What is the salary of PHP developer ?

What is the salary of PHP developer ?

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, programming languages play a pivotal role in determining career trajectories and earning potential. Among these languages, PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) has garnered significant attention for its versatility, widespread usage, and the attractive salaries it offers to skilled professionals. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of PHP, its relevance in today’s tech industry, and how mastering it can lead to lucrative salary prospects.

What is the salary of PHP developer ?

The Resurgence of PHP

PHP, despite being one of the oldest programming languages, has not lost its charm. With the advent of modern frameworks like Laravel, Symfony, and Yii, PHP has experienced a resurgence in popularity and relevance. These frameworks have streamlined development processes, enhanced security, and introduced best practices, making PHP a robust choice for building dynamic web applications.

Wide Range of Applications

One of the key factors contributing to PHP’s continued prominence is its versatility. From e-commerce websites to content management systems, PHP is the backbone of numerous applications. It powers platforms like WordPress, which runs over 40% of the web, and Drupal, used by high-profile organizations for their websites. Moreover, PHP’s compatibility with databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB ensures seamless data management, further extending its application domain.

Earning Potential

The lucrative earning potential is a driving force behind the choice of a programming language for many tech professionals. PHP developers, due to their expertise in a widely-used language, are in high demand across various industries. The demand-supply gap has led to attractive salaries for skilled PHP developers, making it an enticing career option.

According to data from various sources, the average salary for PHP developers varies based on factors such as experience, location, and the complexity of the projects they handle. On average, entry-level PHP developers can earn anywhere from $50,000 to $70,000 per year, which significantly increases with experience. Mid-level PHP developers, with around 3-5 years of experience, can expect to earn between $70,000 and $90,000 annually. Senior PHP developers and architects who lead complex projects can command six-figure salaries, often ranging from $100,000 to $150,000 or more, in many regions.

Certainly, here are three separate tables comparing the average annual PHP Developer salary ranges in the USA and India for the years 2015 to 2023, with salary ranges provided in both USD and Indian Rupees (INR) for each level:

Entry-Level PHP Developer Salary Ranges:

YearUSA Salary Range (USD)India Salary Range (USD)India Salary Range (INR)
2015$40,000 – $60,000$1,500 – $4,100₹1,10,000 – ₹2,19,000
2016$45,000 – $65,000$1,800 – $4,400₹1,32,000 – ₹2,57,000
2017$50,000 – $70,000$2,100 – $4,700₹1,53,000 – ₹2,72,100
2018$55,000 – $75,000$2,400 – $5,000₹1,76,000 – ₹2,90,000
2019$60,000 – $80,000$2,700 – $5,300₹1,97,000 – ₹3,24,500
2020$65,000 – $85,000$3,000 – $5,600₹2,19,000 – ₹3,50,500
2021$70,000 – $90,000$3,300 – $5,900₹2,41,500 – ₹3,78,300
2022$75,000 – $95,000$3,600 – $6,200₹2,63,800 – ₹4,03,200
2023$80,000 – $100,000$3,900 – $6,500₹2,86,700 – ₹4,28,500

Mid-Level PHP Developer Salary Ranges:

YearUSA Salary Range (USD)India Salary Range (USD)India Salary Range (INR)
2015$60,000 – $80,000$4,100 – $6,200₹3,00,000 – ₹3,31,500
2016$65,000 – $85,000$4,400 – $6,600₹3,21,000 – ₹3,81,500
2017$70,000 – $90,000$4,700 – $6,900₹3,42,900 – ₹4,01,700
2018$75,000 – $95,000$5,000 – $7,300₹3,65,000 – ₹4,22,500
2019$80,000 – $100,000$5,300 – $7,900₹3,87,700 – ₹4,58,500
2020$85,000 – $110,000$5,600 – $8,200₹4,09,000 – ₹4,76,500
2021$90,000 – $120,000$5,900 – $8,500₹4,31,700 – ₹5,21,000
2022$95,000 – $130,000$6,200 – $8,800₹4,53,000 – ₹5,39,000
2023$100,000 – $140,000$6,500 – $9,100₹4,74,500 – ₹5,62,300

Senior PHP Developer Salary Ranges:

YearUSA Salary Range (USD)India Salary Range (USD)India Salary Range (INR)
2015$80,000 – $110,000$6,200 – $8,200₹4,05,000 – ₹4,39,000
2016$85,000 – $120,000$6,600 – $8,700₹4,81,500 – ₹5,22,000
2017$90,000 – $130,000$6,900 – $9,000₹5,04,300 – ₹5,49,000
2018$95,000 – $140,000$7,300 – $9,700₹5,34,500 – ₹5,84,000
2019$100,000 – $150,000$7,900 – $10,000₹5,77,300 – ₹6,75,000
2020$110,000 – $160,000$8,200 – $10,800₹6,00,200 – ₹6,95,000
2021$120,000 – $170,000$8,500 – $11,300₹6,21,500 – ₹7,35,000
2022$130,000 – $180,000$8,800 – $11,800₹6,42,700 – ₹7,93,000
2023$140,000 – $200,000$9,100 – $12,300₹6,66,300 – ₹8,00,700

Please note that these calculations are based on the provided salary ranges and a fixed exchange rate. Exchange rates can fluctuate, and actual salaries can vary based on factors such as location, company size, and individual qualifications. Always consider consulting up-to-date exchange rates and local market conditions for accurate figures.

Factors Influencing PHP Salaries

Several factors influence PHP developers’ salaries:

  1. Experience: As with any profession, experience plays a crucial role in determining salary levels. Junior developers might start with an attractive entry-level salary, while those with several years of experience can command higher pay due to their expertise.
  2. Location: Tech salaries can vary significantly based on the cost of living in different regions. Developers working in tech hubs such as Silicon Valley or New York City might earn more than those in smaller cities or regions with a lower cost of living.
  3. Skill Set: Proficiency in various PHP frameworks, libraries, and related technologies can positively impact earning potential. Specializations in areas like web security, database optimization, or e-commerce development can also lead to higher salaries.
  4. Portfolio and Projects: The complexity and scale of the projects a developer has worked on can influence their market value. Developers with a strong portfolio showcasing successful projects are often considered more valuable by employers.

Continuous Learning and Growth

To maximize your earning potential as a PHP developer, continuous learning is essential. The tech industry is dynamic, and staying updated with the latest PHP frameworks, tools, and best practices can set you apart from the competition. Participating in online communities, attending tech conferences, and pursuing relevant certifications can help you stay at the forefront of your field.


PHP has demonstrated its resilience and relevance in the tech industry, and its popularity continues to soar due to its versatility, widespread usage, and the demand for skilled PHP developers. The earning potential for PHP professionals is substantial, offering attractive salaries for both entry-level developers and seasoned experts. With the right skill set, experience, and dedication to continuous learning, PHP developers can carve out a successful and rewarding career path in the tech world. So, if you’re considering a programming language that promises not only technical satisfaction but also a healthy paycheck, PHP is undoubtedly a language worth mastering.


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