Top 20 CSS Interview Questions

Top 20 CSS Interview Questions

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a fundamental technology used for designing and styling web pages. Aspiring web developers and designers often face CSS-related questions during job interviews. To help you ace your CSS interview, we have compiled a list of the top 20 CSS interview questions along with their answers. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional, this article will provide you with the knowledge and confidence you need to excel in your next CSS interview.

Top 20 CSS Interview Questions

Let’s dive into the 20 CSS interview questions and answers:

Question 1: What is CSS? How does it work?
Answer: CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a style sheet language used to describe the look and formatting of a document written in HTML. CSS works by associating style rules with HTML elements, specifying how they should be displayed on the web page.
Question 2: What are the different ways to include CSS styles in an HTML document?
Answer: CSS can be included in an HTML document using three different methods: inline styles, internal stylesheets, and external stylesheets. Inline styles are defined within HTML tags, internal stylesheets are placed within the <style> tags in the HTML <head>, and external stylesheets are linked to the HTML document using the <link> tag.
Question 3: What is the CSS box model?
Answer: The CSS box model is a fundamental concept that describes the structure of an HTML element. It consists of content, padding, border, and margin. The content refers to the actual element's content, while padding adds space between the content and the border. The border surrounds the padding and content, and the margin provides space between the border and other elements on the page.
Question 4: Explain the difference between classes and IDs in CSS.
Answer: Classes and IDs are used to select and style elements in CSS. The main difference is that IDs are unique identifiers for specific elements, while classes can be assigned to multiple elements. IDs are preceded by a hash symbol (#), and classes are preceded by a dot (.).
Question 5: What is the CSS specificity rule?
Answer: CSS specificity determines which styles are applied to an element when conflicting styles are present. The specificity rule follows a hierarchy: inline styles have the highest specificity, followed by IDs, classes, and finally, element selectors. The more specific a selector is, the higher its priority in determining the applied style.
Question 6: How do you center an element horizontally and vertically using CSS?
Answer: To center an element horizontally, you can use the margin property with the value auto. To center an element vertically, you can combine the display property with flexbox or grid layout techniques. For example, using display: flex with align-items: center will vertically center the element.
Question 7: What are pseudo-classes in CSS? Provide an example.
Answer: Pseudo-classes are keywords used to select and style elements based on their state or position in the document tree. An example is the :hover pseudo-class, which applies styles when the user hovers over an element. For instance, a:hover can be used to change the color of a link when the mouse is over it.
Question 8: How can you hide an element visually, but still make it accessible to screen readers?
Answer: To hide an element visually while ensuring accessibility, you can use the CSS clip-path property with a value that clips the element outside of the visible area. For example, clip-path: inset(100%) will hide the element completely, but it will still be accessible to screen readers.
Question 9: What is the purpose of the CSS clear property?
Answer: The clear property is used to control the behavior of floated elements. It specifies whether an element should be positioned next to floated elements or move below them. Values like left, right, or both can be used to clear the left, right, or both sides of floated elements.
Question 10: How can you apply rounded corners to an element using CSS?
Answer: Rounded corners can be applied to an element using the CSS border-radius property. The value can be a specific length, percentage, or the keyword inherit. For example, border-radius: 5px will give the element rounded corners with a radius of 5 pixels.
Question 11: Explain the concept of CSS sprites.
Answer: CSS sprites combine multiple images into a single image to reduce the number of server requests. Each individual image is then displayed using CSS background positioning. This technique improves website performance by reducing the load time and bandwidth required to fetch multiple images.
Question 12: What is the difference between display: none and visibility: hidden? 
Answer: The display: none property completely removes an element from the document flow, making it invisible and not occupying any space. In contrast, visibility: hidden hides the element while still occupying space within the layout.
Question 13: How can you apply a gradient background to an element using CSS?
Answer: CSS gradients can be applied to the background of an element using the background-image property. You can create linear gradients using the linear-gradient() function or radial gradients using the radial-gradient() function. These functions allow you to define the color stops and direction of the gradient.
Question 14: Explain the CSS box-sizing property and its values.
Answer: The box-sizing property determines how the width and height of an element are calculated. The default value is content-box, which includes only the content within the specified width and height. The value border-box includes both content and padding within the specified width and height, making it easier to work with box layouts.
Question 15: What is the CSS nth-child selector used for?
Answer: The nth-child selector is used to select elements based on their position in a parent container. It allows you to apply styles to specific child elements using a formula. For example, li:nth-child(odd) will select all odd-numbered <li> elements within a parent <ul>.
Question 16: How do you vertically align text within a container?
Answer: To vertically align text within a container, you can use the line-height property equal to the container's height. Additionally, you can use display: flex with align-items: center or display: grid with align-content: center to achieve vertical alignment.
Question 17: What is the CSS z-index property used for?
Answer: The z-index property controls the stacking order of positioned elements on a web page. It determines which elements are placed in front or behind others. Elements with higher z-index values appear on top of elements with lower values.
Question 18: How can you create a responsive design using CSS?
Answer: To create a responsive design, you can use CSS media queries. Media queries allow you to apply different styles based on the characteristics of the device or viewport. By adjusting the layout, font sizes, or hiding elements, you can optimize the design for various screen sizes.
Question 19: What is the CSS transform property used for?
Answer: The transform property applies 2D or 3D transformations to elements. It can be used to rotate, scale, skew, or translate an element. With the help of transform-origin, you can control the origin point of the transformation.
Question 20: How can you create a CSS animation?
Answer: CSS animations can be created using the @keyframes rule, which defines a set of keyframes specifying the styles to be animated. The animation property is then used to apply the animation to an element, specifying the duration, timing function, and iteration count.


Mastering CSS is crucial for any web developer or designer, and being well-prepared for CSS interviews is essential to landing your dream job. By understanding and practicing the top 20 CSS interview questions provided in this article, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to impress interviewers and showcase your CSS skills. Remember to not only memorize the answers but also understand the underlying concepts. Happy interviewing!


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